Het is nu di okt 15, 2024 11:33 am

  • Forum
    Laatste bericht
  • Pokémon, Battle Era

    Pokémon Battle Era takes place in the known pokémon world. All the Jenny's in the world have united against the threat of Team Rocket. Giovanni has reappeared as the head of Team Rocket, and with his renewed leadership, have taken controll of many gyms and facilities in the world. One can never be sure how much they controll. Now the duty falls upon you to take controll of your destiny, and use learn the secrets of the world of Pokémon.
    Moderator: Moderators
    5 Topics
    879 Berichten
    za jan 12, 2013 10:40 am
    ChaosShadoWolfe Battle Era, The RPG
  • Blood in the Sand: Chronicles of The House of Rethon of Cothique

    Blood in the Sand. The story and Battle Report of the battle between skaven invaders against the High Elves on the shores of Cothique.
    3 Topics
    6 Berichten
    ma apr 23, 2012 12:20 am
    Admin Blood in the Sand, chapter 2: Bloodshed
  • Warhammer Campaign

    Storyline van de Warhammer Campaign
    3 Topics
    5 Berichten
    do jan 03, 2013 2:59 pm
    luuky19  Scenario: The Skittering Invasion
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